
Saturday, 18 April 2009

Reflections on today's talk at Cátedra A. Goyena

This afternoon, Kelly Gardner and Shirley Romano gave a really interesting talk about technology in the classroom. Kelly discussed the importance of using the internet with our students and make full use of resources available such as blogs, podcasts, webquests and so on. And Shirley shared her experience implementing e-portfolios in her lessons at IPA.
Both of them encouraged all of us to try this infinite source and showed us sites to start working with.
Considering my own experience I totally agree with Shirley's words - it's all about trial and error. In my case, I have no formal instruction on computers or programmes or the Internet. I just bought my first computer some years ago and said to myself "if a PERSON did this machine... I CAN certainly use it!" I've made many mistakes but now I can see how rewarding it is to have spent so many hours in front of the screen feeling desperate and trying to do all over again! I can say now that all the effort reflects on my students and my teaching. But even better than that, now I'm a bit more conscious of all the things I have to learn so as to improve! That motivates me to continue!
This blog started because of that as well as to encourage other teachers to share their feelings, worries, doubts, whatever makes us grow professionally and even -why not- become better colleagues eager to cooperate with each other.
The other reason for keeping this blog is to feel comfortable and confident enough using it so as to be able to use this way of communicating but with my students. So, I believe that for all those who are in their first steps using blogs it could be a good start, don't you think?

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